Tuesday 25 March 2014

Formula 1 - Influences for 2014 Part 3 - Race Calendar


Here is my draw for the 2014 Grand Prix race calendar:

Engines = Wands
Submersibles = Cups
Airships = Swords
Leviathans = Pentacles

Australia (16th Mar) - Five of Engines - we're off and all jostling to make our mark!
Malaysia (30th Mar) - Two of Leviathans - weighing things up
Bahrain (6th Apr) - Lady of Leviathans (Queen) - let's be sensible and productive
China (20th Apr) - Navigator of Airships (Knight) - and a bit ruthless
Spain (11th May) - Eight of Airships - trapped by our own rules?
Monaco (25th May) - Seven of Airships - skulduggery afoot?
Canada (8th June) - Explorers (The Lovers) - choices
Austria (22nd June) - Nine of Engines - battle weary, in need of healing
Great Britain (6th July) - Six of Airships - Relief as things improve
Germany (20th July) - Navigator of Submersibles (Knight) - emotions over Michael Schumacher?
Hungary (27th July) - The Stricken Tower (The Tower) - steady on!
Belgium (24th Aug) - Spirit Gauge (Temperance) - calm after the break, or a new blend?
Italy (7th Sept) - Triumph (The Chariot) - good for somebody? Let's hope the championship isn't over yet!
Singapore (21st Sept) - Two of Airships - truce, stalemate?
Japan (5th Oct) - Technomancer (The Magician) - who has all the tools?
Russia (12th Oct) - Captain of Engines - Putin puts in an appearance?
USA (2nd Nov) - Captain of Submersibles - stumped by this!
Brazil (9th Nov) - Six of Leviathans - give and take
Abu Dhabi (23rd Nov) - Captain of Leviathans - all friends, all paid in the end?

I can't wait to see how the season plays out and how the influences and energies from my draw manifest over the coming months.


You can find the teams here
...and the drivers here 

Deck: The Steampunk Tarot: Wisdom from the Gods of the Machine by John and Caitlin Matthews. Artwork by Wil Kinghan 

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